The journey to living life authentically


Saturday, November 14, 2020

How to Make the Right Investments In Yourself


Hello My Beautiful Queen,

It has been a while, but today I want total to you about investments. More specifically making the right investments. I have no shame in admitting that I have invested thousands of dollars in myself. Because I understand that I am the creator of my reality, I am committed to my own expansion and I am dedicated to living the life I came here to live, not the one society chose for me.

I have felt confident and proud of every investment that I have made. But I know this isn't the case for everyone. I know many people who invest and then say that wasn't worth it. Today I want to talk about that. There's a trend that I notice, that I am really not happy with. People investing for the wrong reasons. So often people invest to escape their pain, but that's not what I am talking about here. I am talking about people investing in the "logical" investment.

I am talking about people investing in money mindset and business strategy courses because they think it will solve all of their problems. See, money and struggling in your business are deeper problems. As Tony Robbins says, business is a spiritual game. If something isn't working, your business is sure as hell going to force you to look within and ask yourself why. You might hear your inner voice saying things like the market is oversaturated, I'm not likable enough, if this doesn't work right now then it was never meant for me. 

Then we run to address the symptom. We jump into the money mindset courses because surely we are repelling the money and if we could just get this down we could be millionaires. We jump into the business strategy courses because if we had the right information that everyone but us seems to know, then our business will be successful and we will finally feel seen and respected and good enough. Yet that is not how that works, love. These things are symptoms and nothing in this world will give you what you are not willing to give yourself.

So when you invest in a course because it makes logical sense and you think it will miraculously change your entire life, I have to give you the reality check that you are the one that changes your life. The courses you invest in, the products that you purchase, the coaches that you hire. They are all simply guiding you to what already exists within yourself. They are pointing you in the right direction, but you are the healer of yourself. 

Let me be clear that money mindset courses are amazing. Business strategy courses are amazing. They have tons of value and I have invested in many of them myself. But self-investment must always come from the right place. Invest in a money mindset course because you want to understand and heal your relationship with money, not because you think the course will make you a millionaire or make money fall from the sky. Invest in business strategy courses because you want to know the information and improve your business, not because you think the course will make your business succeed faster and suddenly make you worthy.

If deep down you know that the real problem is that you feel like shit about yourself, you're worried that other people don't admire you, you are trying to prove something, or you doubt that you can create the life that you truly want, then, sis, stop fucking trying to logic your way out. No money mindset course or business strategy course is going to do that for you because that is not what they are meant to do. You really want to unlock your abundance? You really want to stop feeling so much pressure in your business? You want to stop holding yourself back and comparing yourself to other people? You want to stop caring about what other people think? Then you need to stop avoiding the inner work. 

How can you heal your life if you are not willing to heal yourself?

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