The journey to living life authentically


Thursday, April 30, 2020

You Must Choose Yourself

Hello Queen!

Today I want to talk to you about the pivot. What is the pivot? It's the moment when you decide that you want to shift your life and the way it looks. It's the moment when you decided to redirect and create the life that you desire.

I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. Then I was the first in my family to attend grad school and get my master's degree. I grew up poor and I was so proud to have "made it" in this way. After all, education is supposed to be the pathway to success. And in some ways it was. I'm glad to have the education that I do. But in other ways, it wasn't what I was expecting.

Because I didn't get a college degree and suddenly make 100,000 a year. I didn't even make 50,000 a year. I still struggled with some of my bills and I was miserable. I didn't hate my job, but it was time for me to face the truth that I had always known. The 9-5 was never going to be for me. Even as a child, I had dreams of running a business and traveling the world. But I was told this was difficult and not practical, so I settled.

But something I struggled with was not just the idea that I had spent all this time and money on something that I didn't even want, it was that I would disappoint my family. Because how dare I be a first-gen college graduate and not even use my degree? And on top of that, I was turning to the world of manifestation and spirituality. I wanted to be a lightworker and I understood that many of the people I loved would not understand this.

Yet, I chose myself anyway. Because at the end of the day, I had faith that I was being guided to where I wanted to go. I understood that I was called back because this is the impact I was meant to have.

Choosing yourself in this way is incredibly difficult, regardless of what career you choose. Anytime you are choosing to change your life in a way that you worry others won't understand, you will encounter resistance. Your ego will scream to you, what are you doing? Are you stupid? You're going to fail and sure as hell look stupid to everyone who doubted you? What if this just isn't meant for me.

Choose yourself anyway. The pivot is one of the scariest things you can do. To this day, I still have fear around it and I am several years into my decision. But you know what's scarier? Dying and realizing that you never lived your life for yourself. Now that is regret.

This is just what is on my heart today. If you are currently in the pivot and want to know how you can support yourself as you redesign your entire life, then check out my manifestation mastery course, Transcend. This is where I teach you how to create your own reality from a space of intention. Think huge shifts in your life that you get to direct. With that said, cart is only open for 36 more hours.

Much Love, Always,


Intuition is a Crucial Part of Your Manifestation Process

So, I ask

Do you trust yourself?

Manifestation requires inspired action. You’ve heard this before.

But what makes taking inspired action really difficult is a lack of faith in yourself. If you believe that you cannot trust yourself, then you will constantly question every action that you take. And that vibration of doubt will make it difficult for you to be in certainty and optimism.

This was me when I launched my first course, Connected. I absolutely loved Connected and everything that it stands for, but when it came to taking action to market it, all of my repressed doubts popped back up.

I questioned everything I wrote for the sales page. I questioned every single post I wrote about why this course existed. I would get the inspiration to write something but as soon as I opened my laptop, my brain would go blank and all I could hear was

“That’s not good enough”
“What if no one cares”
“You’re not doing it right”

I was consciously manifesting clients into this course. All of the beautiful souls I knew this course was meant for. But subconsciously I doubted every piece of inspired action that came to me. I didn’t trust that I knew how to do it “right” so the manifestation became about tension and fear instead of joy and alignment.

That’s why it’s so important to get your conscious and subconscious minds in alignment. To consciously call something in and to have your subconscious belief match that conscious intention. This is something I teach in my manifestation course, Transcend. Because I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be to experience the manifestation “block” and not know what to do about it.

Doors to Transcend close TOMORROW. I am holding space for five more beautiful souls to join us on this journey to manifestation mastery. All for only 25 dollars. If this is you, the link for more information is below.

Transcend: Master Your Manifestation Process

Much Love, Always,


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It's Not About the Manifestation

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are already halfway through launch for Transcend! There are only TWO days left (not counting today) to enroll and I am feeling so grateful for all of the beautiful souls who have already committed to making manifestation work for them.

If I am really honest, I started my manifestation process because I wanted to feel worthy and loved.

Yes, I wanted that dream reality and I was happy that I was getting back on track with everything I always knew was meant for me. But manifestation was really hard for me in the beginning.

It was difficult because behind every desire I had was a hunger to prove myself. To feel like I was worthy and then to have concrete evidence to back it up.

So I turned to my manifestations and clung to them so desperately. But no matter what strategy I picked up, or how relaxed I tried to be, most of them didn’t work.

Because I still had my sense of worthiness attached to them. Deep down I worried that they weren’t happening because I wasn’t good enough. I worried that the Universe simply didn’t love me enough. So with every “failed” manifestation, I would feel my heart drop because it was confirmation of what I always suspected. I was not enough and I would never be enough.

But of course, this isn't the truth. I held the belief that the Universe didn’t love me and that life was against me. So I looked for evidence in my everyday life to back that up. “Failed” manifestations were the easiest way for my subconscious mind to find the evidence that I was looking for. Your brain loves to be right.

It was only when I turned my attention to my own healing that manifestation became easier. Because it was no longer about the manifestation. It was just about feeling good and having fun. I didn’t have to worry about if the Universe loved me enough to make something happen for me, because I knew that the answer was yes.

But even more so, I adopted the identity of the masterful co-creator of my own reality. Manifesting was just a part of my identity and it was not something that I ever had to force.

And that’s the reason I created Transcend in the way that I did. Because yes, Transcend is a manifestation course, but it’s ultimately a course to help you step into your identity of manifestor. Not one where I tell you to follow these exact steps and you’ll manifest. No. I’m going to give you the tools to identify why you haven’t been manifesting in the ways you expect up to this point

Transcend is about helping the person who was where I was. Doubting that they were enough to truly create their realities. It’s about giving you the confidence and certainty that you can truly create anything that you desire and never having to question if you are doing it right ever again.

If this is something your soul is feeling called to, you still have time to enroll. Transcend is only 25 dollars and it is my conscious contribution to the queen who is striving to create a better reality for herself. Doors are open for two more days. Can't wait to see you inside :D

Much Love, Always,


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

You Already Know Enough

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Today I want to talk to you about the most important thing I have learned about manifesting.

The most expansive information I have ever gotten my hands on is the knowledge that we create our own realities.

Don’t get me wrong. It was painful AF to realize that I had been unintentionally creating shitty situations for myself. It was deeply horrifying to recognize that the reason I felt so detached was because I never allowed myself to be who I was, only who I thought I needed to be to receive love and approval.

Once I understood that the Universe supported me in all that I did and that I could choose to create a new reality for myself at any given moment, the game changed.

Because from that moment on I was filled with a hunger. A hunger to turn that dream I had buried into a reality. A deep desire to live the kind of life I was meant to live and a die knowing that I fulfilled my purpose.

I just didn’t know how to get there. I’ve been there, queen. Reading every single piece of information I could get my hands on. Listening to all the podcasts, reading all the books, enrolling in all of the classes. They taught me so much, but what they really taught me was that I already knew enough.

See, the only reason I was diving so deeply into everything was because I was frustrated that my manifestations weren’t happening. I was sure that I must have been doing something wrong. But deep down, I was afraid that they weren’t working for me because I wasn’t good enough. Because the Universe didn’t love me enough. What other reason could there be since I was doing everything I was supposed to do?

As a new manifestor, there is nothing more painful than having your manifestation not happen. Because at that point, all you really want is proof that it will work. And even more so, proof that you can have everything that you want. That you are good enough.

But my love. The Universe does love and support you. It is conspiring in your highest good at all times. The missing link in your manifestations is not a lack of information. It’s you. You need to trust yourself

You need to know that what you want is for you! That you want it for a reason and that even if it doesn’t happen, you will always be enough and always fully supported by the Universe. To manifest, you must take inspired action. And you’ll never be able to take inspired action if you are always questioning if you are doing the right thing. If you doubt every move that you make.

That’s why when I created Transcend, I knew that I had to make it about being a manifestor and not necessarily manifesting. Because if you are secure in your identity as a manifestor, then you will always be able to manifest. But if your focus is solely on manifesting and trying to find the perfect strategy to manifest, you will always struggle.

The two must coexist and that is exactly what Transcend is. It’s a course designed to help you build self-confidence, awareness, and faith needed to manifest. It’s about creating a manifestation process that works for you! Not about teaching you how to manifest like I do.

Everything in your co-creation/manifesting process comes back to you. Your beliefs, your thoughts, your actions. Even more so, it comes down to how you feel about yourself.

The doors to Transcend are currently open and holding space for you. If you are ready to manifest your reality and co-create as you were always intended, then the link for you to join is below.

Transcend: Master Your Manifestation Process

Much Love, Always,


Monday, April 27, 2020

What Does it Meant To Detach From Your Manifestations?

I started my manifestation journey because I was in a shitty financial situation

I had just graduated with my master’s degree and over 100,000 dollars in student loan debt. For the life of me, I couldn’t find a job. I had rent to pay, bills that were overdue and I couldn’t afford to buy food.

I was stressed and overwhelmed, but I knew I had a choice. I could sit with this shitty situation, or I could do whatever I needed to do to create something different. The universe guided me to manifestation and the knowledge that we create our own realities.

But something I found so frustrating at the start of my journey was that everyone kept saying detach from your manifestations. You don’t NEED it. To which my response was yes, bitch. I do. I’m about to get evicted. I have collectors calling me every day. I’m terrified to come home every day to an eviction notice. How could I possibly ignore the reality that I needed it?

It took many months for me to realize I didn’t need it. I was ashamed of what it would mean if I did get evicted. I was worried that I would lose my sense of self and become deeply depressed. I was afraid that declaring bankruptcy and getting evicted would mean that I was unworthy and irresponsible. But my actual survival was not at risk. My pride was at risk.

I finally understood that releasing attachment to your manifestations means letting go of any sense you have that your manifestations will make you happier or more worthy. They won’t. You have to choose to feel that way right now because if you are waiting for something outside of you to make you happy or worthy, you will be waiting for the rest of your life.

You have to be in alignment with your manifestations and you can’t be in alignment with them if you are trying to manifest from the space of I don’t have this. Because you focusing on I don’t have this is you existing in the vibration of lack.

Getting into alignment with your desires is something I teach in my new manifestation mastery course, Transcend. And I’m talking about the kind of alignment that still allows you to be human and enjoy the full spectrum of your experience. Consider this your go-to guide to becoming an expert creator of your reality.

The doors are currently open! But they will only stay open for five days. If this is something you are feeling called to, make sure to enroll while you still can.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Insecurity, Inadequacy and Imposter Syndrome

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

I will admit that I am at a loss on how to intro this blog post. Because this post just came to me as I set out to start my day. I can recognize that I am going through an uplevel. In order to reach that next level, I also have to move through everything that has come before it. The following is simply me working through my own thoughts. These are the thoughts I have and the stories that come up when I am feeling my most insecure. Because yes, everyone has moments when they feel inadequate. So, here we go. What Shar thinks when she is feeling low and how I coach myself out of it. Before you begin, please notice that I don't snap back into joy, I snap back into faith, surrender, and neutrality. And that's enough.

But it's really annoying me because I don't feel like I'm good enough. And no matter how much I do, and how much I work on myself, I fucking hate that there are still moments when I feel so insecure. Days where it feels like all I do is compare myself to other people and wish I was more of something that I am not. More outgoing, more charismatic, more likable.

And I guess that's what this all comes down to. Some part of me is still waiting to be chosen when I really need to choose myself. Until I decide that I am already successful, I will always be comparing my success to someone else's and feel inadequate.

Yet still, I wish I had the gifts that other people had. The gift of connecting with others, the gift of outgoingness, the gift of anything that isn't my gifts. As incredible as my gifts are, I fear that they are not enough. That they will never get me to where I want to go. That I will spend my entire life working on something that will never happen.

I'm a fucking coach. The vast majority of what I do is work through old stories and limiting beliefs. To listen to and sit with the parts of myself that are hard to sit with. To hold space for the full expression of self and the birth of a new self. Yet that is what I find the most frustrating to me. No matter how much I tune in and listen, I can't seem to find the story that is leading me to feel this way.

It's just a general sense of inadequacy and the feeling that I should be more. That I am not enough and what I do is not enough. Yes, that is a story, but I also know that I need to go deeper than this. Why do I feel like I am not enough? Who taught me that I wasn't allowed to choose myself? Why is the comparison my default? What is this teaching me?

Again and again, I ask the question, and each time only a little bit of the answer is revealed. This is all to say that if you are struggling with a limiting belief or a story or something that is frustrating the hell out of you, know that it's okay if you can't find the answer right away. Sometimes part of the process of surrender is being willing to allow the story to unfold as it is meant to. In these moments, I like to remind myself that the Universe is always working for my greatest good and the greatest good of all. As it is true for me, it is also true for you.

If there is anything I want to remind you of, it's that lower emotional states can feel all-consuming. They have an immense ability to make you feel like they are the only thing that exists. That you have always felt this way and you will always feel this way. This is not the truth. Everything is temporary and you will return to your emotional home.

Much Love, Always,


Thursday, April 9, 2020

What Your Triggers Are Telling You

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Thursday! Earlier this week was the full moon in Libra. This moon was incredibly powerful for me, as I was in the right state to truly surrender and release anything that did not serve me. I will admit that I had the Universe guide me in my practice. First, my intuition guided me to take class two of a course I recently enrolled in. Then she guided me to workout (release endorphins), and have a hot bath. In my hot bath, I was inspired to read more of Rise Sister Rise. And I kid you not, every single chapter was about comparison, jealousy, surrender, and triggers--all things I had been struggling with. The call was clear. It was time for me to confront my triggers as they were all trying to tell me something.

It was that practice and all that I did in that practice that made the full moon so powerful for me. It is also that practice that inspired this post. I have said this before, but I will repeat it. Your triggers are some of your most powerful blessings. Because every trigger you have will reveal something about you and about what you believe. Whether that be about the world, about a person, or about humanity in general. Turning your attention to that trigger will allow you to understand exactly why it bothers you so much. And understanding that will help you uncover your subconscious beliefs and any way you may be limiting yourself. I know that's a little hard to grasp, but don't worry, we cover this in Transcend, which is releasing at the end of the month.

For now, let's focus on my full moon practice around triggers. And how you incorporate this in your life to help you discover some of your subconscious truths. This post is going to specifically focus on the PEOPLE who trigger you. You can have other triggers that aren't people, but for now, we are focusing on this as people often reflect back to you what is repressed within yourself.

  1. List 3-5 people who are triggering you. These are the people who you can't stand to show up in your feed. The people who trigger an uncomfortable feeling within you anytime you see them or their content. I want you to use their full names when you list them out, as this will help you humanize them. Simply trying to figure out why they are triggering you without naming them will just make this exercise too abstract for concrete results.
  2. Journal about why you think they trigger you. What emotional responses do you have to them? What are they reflecting back to you? Why does it bother you so much? What do you admire about them? Is there any part of you that longs to be more like them in some way? Are you perhaps jealous of something that they have? Explore these questions and try to approach this from a lens of curiosity, not judgment. That includes both judgment of yourself for being triggered and judgment of the person you are writing about. To the best of your ability, look at this person through the eyes of love. Imagine that they are literally your reflection.
  3. This person is triggering some part of you that you are repressing. For every single person you list, ask yourself if they are shining a light on a part of yourself that you do not like very much. Ask yourself if they are showing you a part of yourself that you are suppressing. Are they asking you to rise?
  4. The deeper you go, the more questions will come up for you. You don't have to answer the questions that come up for you right away. In fact, I encourage you not to do that until you have gone through every person on your list. At the end, you should have a very long list of questions and some deeper insight into the parts of yourself you are throwing into the shadows. Tune into your emotions as you read through your questions. Which questions elicit a strong reaction within you? Pick 3-4 of the strongest ones, and answer those. For it is the questions that trigger you the most that reveal where you need to heal first.
  5. End your practice by asking yourself what are you ready to let go of. Now that you understand what you are hiding away, what are you willing to release? Surrender it to the Universe
This is very much an intuition led practice. It is your intuition that will ask as you the right questions as you surrender to the practice of exploring your triggers. It is okay if no questions come up for you. It is okay if you're not quite ready to confront something. Awareness is enough, and at the end of the day, that is what this practice is all about. Bringing awareness to your subconscious self.

If you are craving more inner work and more self-awareness, then check out my free 30 day reprogram your life challenge. This challenge is all about helping you unlock your subconscious truths so you can manifest your dream reality. I'd love to have you join me.

Much Love, Always,


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

30 days to deeper self-awareness

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Tuesday! I am currently working on the launch of Transcend. And unlike my other launches, this one is all about prioritizing my self-care and making sure that I feel good and am aware throughout the entirety of my launch. In my first launch, I failed to plan. This time around, I am leaning into the truth that your energy is everything. Transcend is about bringing to others a sense of inner peace and certainty in their manifestation ability. For me to be of service to others in this way, I must also feel inner peace and certainty.

One of the ways I have been doing this is via my 30 days Reprogram Your Life challenge. If you are part of my manifestation and mindset email community, or you follow me on my Instagram, then you already know what this is. But if you do not know, you would not know what this challenge is all about and how you can participate in it. And for that, I'm sorry as I completely blanked on informing all of my loyal blog readers.
pin this post for later

The Reprogram Your Life challenge is all about inner awareness. It's about shining lights on the parts of your self you cannot see. Bringing awareness to the inner stories and limiting beliefs that exist just outside of your conscious attention. Because let's face it, most of your biggest limiting beliefs exist outside of your awareness. This is how they create your reality for you without your conscious attention. Ever tried to manifest something unsuccessfully? One of your subconscious limiting beliefs probably sabotaged you before you ever had the chance to truly manifest it.

I remember this happening to me again and again in 2017 when I was unemployed, in debt and on the verge of eviction. I kept desperately trying to manifest money, but it just wouldn't happen. Many painful and stressful months later, I realized it was because subconsciously I was afraid of money and what having money would take away from me. I worried that having more money than what I needed to survive would make other people think I was a bad or greedy person. I believed that having more meant someone else had less, which led to me barely being able to financially survive. As human beings, we all crave love and acceptance, and anything that might take that away from us naturally scares us.

But I have learned how to make my subconscious mind my ally, not my enemy. This is something I teach in Connected and guide you through in Awaken, but for now, I want to tell you that simple awareness is a key.

In order for you to change any story, you must first know that it exists. Then you must know why it exists. That's why I created the Reprogram Your Life challenge. I was struggling with general feelings of anxiety and fogginess. I knew that something was wrong and out of alignment, but I couldn't figure out what it was. So I decided to embark on a 30-day commitment to truly understand what was bubbling underneath the surface. I am now on day 17, but I want you all to join me on this journey, as it is one you can always come back to, if like me, you ever find yourself feeling lost, confused or just in a fog in general.

The Challenge
The Reprogram Your Life challenge is all about turning your attention to your internal world. It's about helping you both identify and listen to your stories so you can rewrite them to better suit the reality you would like to create. I have said this before, and I will say it again, inner work is challenging stuff. It's not easy to sit with all of your fears. It's not easy to be honest with yourself about what you want and to believe that it is even possible. It's not easy to break the cycle of negative thinking. It's not easy to drop your guard and surrender to a higher power.

That's why this challenge is as simple as it can be in what you have to do as part of this commitment to yourself.

  1. Every night before you go to bed, you will listen to some kind of guided meditation. This can be whatever you'd like, but I highly recommend something that is designed to put you in a very relaxed, neutral state of mind, and something that draws your attention to a subconscious aspect of yourself. I am using my storyteller meditation, and I recommend that you do the same as it was specifically designed for this challenge. However, you may use any meditation you would like. 
  2. In the morning, journal about or think deeply about what came up for you during your meditation. What do you think it means? Why do you think it exists? How does it make you feel? Simply explore the response you had during your meditation and the response you are having to that response. This will help you identify the stories you are telling yourself, both conscious and unconscious. 
  3. Either first thing in the morning, right before bed or at some point in the day, listen to a subliminal messages recording. This is to help plant more empowering beliefs in your subconscious space that will help counteract the limiting ones as you confront and remove them. Subliminal messages bypass the ego almost entirely because the positive affirmations are not audible. And since you cannot hear them, your ego cannot consciously object. It will just go straight to your manifesting center--your subconscious mind. I recommend the Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind subliminal messages recording. This recording is part of the Reprogram Your Life Bundle that includes the Story Teller meditation.
  4. Do this every day for 30 days. And that's it. That's the challenge.

If you are craving a deeper awareness, are tired of failed manifestation after failed manifestation, or just want a deeper connection with yourself and the Universe, please do join me on this journey. 

Before I go, I want you to know that it's okay if, after a while, you don't sink as deeply as you normally do in your meditations. This simply means that your mind is already accepting this as truth. It's kind of saying, yeah I know this already. You may also find that listening to the same meditation every day can get repetitive and boring. It is okay for you to switch it up and listen to other meditations. Remember it is all about inner awareness, and inner awareness has many layers. While I am using the Reprogram Your Life bundle in this challenge, I will occasionally switch it up and listen to other meditations as well to bring my attention to other aspects of the self.

Joining me on this challenge? I'd love to see it! Feel free to tag me on Instagram ( with how the challenge is going, or DM me.

Much Love, Always,


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