The journey to living life authentically


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Breaking Through Limitations: On Stepping Into Your True Power and Fulfulling Your Dreams


I grew up with a lot of people telling me what was and was not possible for my life

Even then, child me knew bullshit when she saw it and she refused to allow other people’s limitations limit her

Looking back, I recognize that child me was very aware that she created her own reality and she had a lot more power than society wanted her to believe

Unfortunately, repetition got to her. It led her to doubt herself but also resent that doubt. It led her to begin to hide her power away because clearly, the level of confidence, certainty, and optimism she had for her vision of the future was not okay. Was not “realistic”

She grew into teenage me, who decided that maybe people were right and she should just do what she was told. Then she grew into young adult me, who said fuck that shit, I’m shooting big, but only in the container. Instead of running a business (which is clearly very difficult and almost impossible for someone of my background--insert eye roll here), I’ll be the director of an office (I worked in Higher Ed).

She was so determined to prove people wrong. To have abundance and a level of success people told her would not be possible for her. She wanted to the nice car, the nice salary, the “good” job, so she could say fuck you, I did it anyway. But what she really longed for was validation. She wanted to kind of life that was impressive (even if it wasn’t authentic to who she was).

Then the Universe guided her back. I came to realize that those dreams I had as a child belonged to me for a reason. That I was powerful--as is everyone, and it was no coincidence that society tries to convince us otherwise.

I did create the business. I chose to believe that everything I wanted was possible and became a woman I could be proud of. And at the end of the day, that is what matters. I was chasing the life that was most impressive. I was trying to work within the parameters of “realistic” that society set out for me. But the only person I needed to impress was me. At the end of the day trying to impress everyone only leads to a life that looks good, but feels like shit because it is not authentic to you

I will leave you with a piece of advice that the child version of me really wanted to hear. Anyone who sets out to limit you (consciously or not), does not have your best intentions in mind. People who limit others really are just projecting their own limitations and perceptions of reality onto you. You can help others expand by choosing to step into your own expansion.

Speaking of expansion, my One-on-One 60-minute coaching intensives are now available! This is an hour where we identify your resistance, give you the tools to clear it, and help you break through your next level! If you are sitting here and you know that you are ready to unlock a new level of abundance or finally hit that goal you have been striving for years, then I am speaking to you directly. It is time for you to rise into that new level of abundance. You are feeling the call to this new level because it is ready and available for you. You are just holding yourself back. This call is specifically designed to help you break through that wall. 

Are you ready to reclaim your power and rise? If so, shoot me an email or reach out on instagram ( and we can get you set up with your breakthrough call

Monday, September 7, 2020

Is Your Gut Feeling Always Right?

Hello, My Beautiful Queens and Happy Monday,

I have dedicated the month of September to my inner healing. I was falling into old habits of comparison and slipping into a state of pressure. I just started to feel like I was behind and that I was not doing enough, and that I was not enough. I allowed myself several weeks to sit with this before I made the decision to hire a coach--hands down one of my best decisions.

Part of that healing has been giving myself permission to sit in the "mess." To witness what rises within me and allow that to serve its purpose in my expansion and enhancing my self-awareness. As a business owner, the scariest decision I made was deciding to step back from the constant flow of creation and promotion. I decided to allow my spirit to lead and that I would only post when I genuinely had something to say. Risky as a business, but I run a heart-centered, soul led brand and so I knew that I had to take this leap because I promote being kind to yourself and giving yourself what you need. And what I really needed was to take a step back. 

With that out of the way, I want to talk to you about your guides. On my Instagram and in my mindset and manifestation community, I spoke about guides and why you are attracted to certain coaches and courses. The right person shows up at the right time with the right message. That is not a coincidence. Your soul incarnated with these other souls, and they know when you are ready, so they show up in the right chapter of your life to propel you forward. They are there to aid you in your expansion. Your conditioning might lead you to fear or doubt, but that call is coming from your soul, not some fancy marketing scheme.

HOWEVER, what I did not have the space to explain in that post, was that the call sometimes feels like it is coming from your soul when it is NOT. First, all experiences will aid you in your soul expansion, just some experiences will aid in your soul expansion in extremely painful ways, especially if you answered the call that came from your unhealed self and not your soul.

Sometimes we feel this strong pull and this strong call. We think that our souls are guiding us to this and that very well may be true. But deep down we're feeling this gut fear response. More than this is new and scary, but this maybe isn't the right feeling. For you to know the difference, you have to have a pretty good understanding of yourself, your past, your wounds, your needs, and your insecurities. It's why shadow work is a huge part of the work I do with my clients.

When our needs are not being met, and we are not aware of this, we can find ourselves longing. Frustratingly, we often find ourselves longing without any real awareness of what we are longing for. That's the I just want more, but I don't know more of what. And then we feel bad for wanting more out of life and wonder if this desire is normal.  If this desire links back to a need that we feel was not met as a child, then we are in some deeper territory, because this is now in your subconscious space. As we know, a lot of the creation of your reality comes from your subconscious minds

That is when we find ourselves drawn to people, places, or situations that are not the path of least resistance. Which is to say, we find ourselves in the painful growth. The kind that happens when you are forced to look at your shit because you are in a situation that is fucking shitty. 

For me, this often manifested in money troubles. As a child, I craved love, acceptance, and belonging. I did not grow up in a very affectionate family, and so I felt the most love when people bought me stuff. We didn't have money, so when someone bought me something, they always communicated that it was a sacrifice--we'll talk about how that mentality showed up later.

As an adult then, when I did not feel loved, understood, or accepted, I turned to spending money. I would buy things that I felt called to. But often I felt called to them because I hoped it would fill some void inside of me. This led to my money consciousness expansion and my dedication to treating the energy of money with love and respect, but only after ending up in SEVERAL  really shitty money situations.

In this case, the call was not coming from my soul, it was coming from an unmet need and a subconscious belief from my inner child who believed that money and stuff=love. Adult me loves money and stuff but knows that money and stuff DOES NOT equal love.

This is why soul expansion work is so important. Yes, the call often does come from your soul, but you need to have a deeper awareness of where that call is truly coming from. Because my love, here's a little secret. Your ego can mimic the voice of your intuition. For you to create the kind of life you dream of and manifest all that you desire, you need to be connected with yourself and understand your powers as a creator. This works best when you also know your darkness so when you feel the call, you know with certainty that the call comes from your intuition.

Much Love, Always,


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