The journey to living life authentically


Sunday, August 23, 2020

How to Come Out of A Downward Emotional Spiral with Grace

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Monday. Man has it been one heck of a ride. The universe has been challenging me to learn a lesson I am usually too stubborn to learn and that is to forgive myself and to hold my vision for the future. 

When the universe wants to teach you something as part of your expansion, that ish can hurt. It brought up a lot of emotional turmoil and difficult feelings that I had to confront. This was simply part of my expansion. But in doing so, I was reminded of the beauty of the emotional scale (just look up emotional scale Abraham Hicks and you will be able to find it). 

So often when we are feeling low and we actively believe that we are the creators of our reality, we can subconsciously begin to worry that our low vibrational states will begin to create low vibrational experiences. But of course, this is not really true. Our emotions are part of our human experience and our human experiences are part of our soul expansion and our intentions in incarnating.

For that reason, it is so important that we allow our emotions to serve us in the ways they are meant to. Yet some of us are prone to emotional intensity and are so familiar with it, that we unintentionally seek out emotional intensity and subconsciously choose to exist in that state for longer than we need to--I am speaking of "bad" moods here, NOT mental health.

After a lot of introspection, I have also accepted that I am very comfortable with emotional intensity and sometimes stick with the low emotional states longer than I am meant to. Hello, downward spiral.

But once you catch yourself in this downward spiral, you are able to make the decision to spiral upwards and choose again. Which brings us back to the emotional scale. When we are in pain, it is our natural inclination to just want to jump over it. If we also actively work on manifestation, we can believe that our low emotional states are not an invitation to expand, but rather a sign that we are out of alignment. And the unconfronted and unhealed parts of our ego then push us to run away from those low emotions as quickly as possible bu jumping into joy, light, and love.

However, what I want to remind you of is that it is safe for you to feel your emotions. No emotion is negative and if you are stuck in that negative spiral and doubting your self worth, please seek out support in whatever ways feel good to you and serve your highest good. I also want you to read up and learn more about the emotional scale. 

When you are feeling low, reach for the next emotion above it that you feel you can lean into. For me, I was able to move from despair into frustration, then frustration into disappointment and disappointment into contentment. And with each move up the emotional scale, the next emotion becomes easier to reach. Before you know it, you will be able to organically reach your upward spiral and gracefully come into alignment. You do not have to leap across the emotional scale into joy and give yourself the grace to embrace who you are fully--even when it is difficult.

Much Love Always,


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Does CBD Actually Help with Anxiety?

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

This post does contain affiliate links

Happy Friday! Today we have a special post because I am talking to you about my journey with CBD. I have been very open and honest about my struggles with generalized anxiety. It is something that I have always dealt with, but as I entered the working world and started my own business, I knew that I needed to find a way to support myself. After doing some research about CBD and anxiety, it was something I was considering, but never actually tried.

To be frank, there are times when the anxiety is really high. I work full-time, and I also have very high expectations for myself which do lead me to force myself to work on QLQ, when perhaps I should take a break. Anxiety is something that I have dealt with for my whole life. But what I find difficult is the daily low thrum of anxiety.

My heart is always beating just a bit too quickly and in the back of my mind, I can feel that I am anxious about something. LOL to be honest that is the most annoying part of my anxiety disorder. It's being anxious and having no idea what I am anxious about. You all know that I believe in learning from your emotional states and using your feelings to help you understand what is really going on.

But sometimes your girl just needs to get shit done. There are days and times when I just don't have the time to be worried. If I am launching a course, the most important thing to me is being able to stay in a high vibrational space because I am welcoming people into my domain and holding space for that transformation. For me to do that, my energy needs to be clean and anxiety really doesn't help.

It was actually in my second lanch that my anxiety reached its height. At that point, we had been in quarantine for about 5 weeks, and I was really starting to feel it. It got to the point where I could barely function. I knew that I had to do something because I honestly felt like I was being destroyed by the anxiety.

So, I decided to try CBD and just see if it worked. I did my research on popular brands and made the decision to try Sunday Scaries. Here's my honest review of the Sunday Scaries CBD supplements. It was honestly so helpful with just allowing me to get through my workday and not feel like my anxiety was trying to crush me. What CBD really helped me with was helping slow down that racing feeling and just bring more clarity to my thoughts. In the simplest terms, it helped soothe the franticness of my everyday world. If you're curious, I used the gummy bears. Later on, I also used the rainbow jerky which is good AF and so useful for that low thrum anxiety.

CBD isn't for everyone. And that is completely okay. It was the introduction of CBD in my life that helped me feel like I was back in control. Yesterday was world CBD and to celebrate, Sunday Scaries is offering 25% off site wide this weekend. The sale ends TODAY. If you have ever been curious about CBD and you want to try it, this weekend is a great time to jump on that sale girl.

You can use the Sunday Scaries coupon code CBD25 for 25% off this weekend, or the code QLQLOVE20 for 20% off your order anytime. I love you all lots and I will see you next time.

Shop Sunday Scaries

Much Love, Always,


Monday, August 3, 2020

Overcoming the Temptation to Quit

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

It has been a while since we last spoke. It's not a coincidence that my last post was on July 19th-exactly 3 days after I started my new position. If you listen to the QLQ podcast, then you know that this job is part of a much larger manifestation for me and I am so excited.

But I'll talk about that in a later post. Today, I just want to be honest with you. When I first left my job in January, I knew that it was something I would eventually come back to (the working world that is). The months that followed were some of the best of my life. Filled with fun, freedom, and flexibility the likes of which I hadn't experienced since summer break was a thing.

Yet June and much of July were some of the hardest months of my life and that is because I knew that something fundamental within me was shifting. I could almost feel myself peeling back the layers. To kick off this journey I started with shadow work--something I will talk about in a later post. QLQ is an extension of me and my own spiritual journey. Through my own experiences and connection with the divine, I lovingly lead those who are called. That is why it is so important for me to practice what I preach.

If you are not new to QLQ, then you will have heard me say that the inner work is not easy and there will be many times in your life when giving up is extremely tempting. This is why your why is so important. I will openly admit to you that once I started my job and even the weeks leading up to my start date, it was very tempting to give up on QLQ. Not in the sense of abandoning it, because I would never do that. But in the sense of not treating it like a business anymore. To just let it be something I come back to only when I feel called.

Running a business is not for everyone, and I will not lie to you and tell you that it's not way more comforting to have a steady paycheck. It was easy to just think well I don't need to work as hard on this because I already have another source of revenue. I was stressed and felt lost in the darkness of my own shadow, so when the temptation to stop came up, I knew what I had to do.

I had to treat myself with kindness and compassion. It had to be okay for me to take a break and reflect before I redirected. I also had to remind myself that I did not turn QLQ into a business for me. It is a part of my higher calling and the role I chose to take on in this lifetime. I also remind myself that if I gave up now, I would deeply regret it and a few years down the line, I would have wished that I had just stayed with it.

I am still giving myself this love and compassion, and I am using this time to learn the lessons that feel most prominenet for me. In giving myself, I am reconnecting with my own passion and what is truly important to me. It is a journey, but I feel a lot more steady in myself. Posts will come more regularly, but for now this is what was on my heart.

I love you all lots and I will see you in my next post.

Much Love, Always,

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