The journey to living life authentically


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Journey Home: What A Thing To Be Human

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Wednesday! It has been such a hectic day for your girl, which is why this post is coming a little bit later in the day. If you were watching my instagram stories, then you will know adulting was real hard for your girl.

I was actually torn about what song I wanted to take you through in today's post. It was either going to Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish or Look at her now by Selena Gomez. Well, you know which one I chose for today.

We have fast-forwarded to more recent times in my journey. And what I want to communicate here is that the journey is continuous. We are always working through something and striving to come back to our truth. So, this is actually a simpler song for us to go through.

One, after what must be half a dozen uplevels, a shit ton of limiting beliefs and almost a thousand dollars of personal investment, I just really resonate with the energy of the song. The idea of I have overcome and I have come into my truth and holy shit, look at me now. That just immense pride. But you know I am all about alignment and balance. Duh, your girl is a libra and a coach.

The line that resonated with me was, "what a thing to be a human." I had made the radical decision to ensure that 2020 was like no other year. To go all-in with everything that I wanted and to challenge myself to move through my life like the whole Universe is supporting me, something I now teach in Connected which closes tomorrow night.

It was the moment I decided to quit my job and then actually did it. I was feeling a lot of conflicting things at this point. It was like standing between a doorway. One foot in the realm of fear and human conditioning, and the other in my full power and alignment. Fully trusting that I was making moves to get to the life I had always dreamed of. This was a huge moment of faith for me, and naturally, when I listened to this song, it resonated.

Because truly what a thing to be a human. Always balancing your human reactions and your divine energy. Because you are human, but you are also the entire universe having a human experience. If there is something I have observed during my time as an active member of the personal development world is that there is almost this idea that you must suppress, erase or deny your human. But your human reactions serve a purpose and it is truly a blessing. Because it is what allows you to experience contrast and learn and grow. It is what you chose to experience when you incarnated on earth.

Much Love, Always.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Journey Home: Starting Over

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

The first several months of my journey were a blur. I didn't know what I wanted, but I trusted that I was moving towards something. I was so completely in love with this blog and it took all of my love and attention after I was done with work.

Looking back I realize that some part of me was running away. My life felt painful and scary. Throwing myself into my work and hobbies and personal development is how I both disconnected and reconnected. But I trusted my own path and trusted things to unfold as they were meant to. It was almost a year before I realized that I had hit another pivotal point in my journey.

The months that passed before that were just me gathering information and trying to heal without having to look too deeply. I will call that first year of my new life the research phase. I believed I could create the kind of life that I wanted and so I surrounded myself with the people who had done it. That first year was just me learning what it meant to think and act like I could have everything I wanted

But there came a point where I could feel a heavy kind of stirring energy within me. I felt overly sensitive and kind of like I was moving through molasses. It felt like resistance. That's the only word I have for it. This was my second massive uplevel. It was summer and I was so confused as to why I felt so heavy. I remember I was on the bus on the way back home from New York City when I heard this song.

Starting over by Niykee Heaton.

"If you really love me then let me go now" I was in way too much of a fog to really understand why this spoke to me, but I heard this and nearly started to cry right there on that bus.

Those weeks of the uplevel were difficult because I didn't really understand what an uplevel felt like. The first one I had was effortless. It was just a clear decision to live a different kind of life and to trust myself.

This one felt like heaviness and resistance and disconnection. It was only after a coaching call with one of my coaches that I realized what this was. I broke down in tears and had to write a letter to that old version of myself

Because I realized what happened. I had spent the year trying to radically shift my beliefs and perceptions and energy. And I had done it. But to fully step into the next version of myself, I had to let go of who I had been. I realized that I couldn't be both people because the old version of me just didn't see the world I saw it now. That other version of me was the one who survived, but it was time for me to thrive.

I realized I could no longer live my life on the edge and trying to protect myself from impending pain. This uplevel hurt the most because it felt like I had to bury that older version of me. I had to let her go and send her back to the universe because we no longer were the same person. She did not have a place in my life anymore. And it really fucking hurt me to let her go, but writing this a year later and many versions later, I recognize that letting her go was one of the most powerful moments in my journey. It was the moment I really and truly decided to live my life for myself and to believe that anything is possible.

If you are reading this, then you are also on the path. You are craving a transformation of some kind, and I just want to let you know that it is absolutely possible if you allow it to be possible. You will work through so many limiting beliefs. You will release everything that does not serve your highest good and eventually you will reach a point where you will have to shed the old versions of you. That's why I don't just focus on teaching you how to identify and correct your limiting beliefs in Connected. I teach you what it means to stand with and be with yourself as you move through your journey. Because I know from experience that it can be so easy to abandon and disconnect from yourself as you move forward. Even as you choose to transform and release versions of yourself, you still deserve your own love.

Choose who you are and who you want to be, not who you have been. Remember my love, you are moving forward, not standing still. That's what transformation comes down to. The decision to grow and move forward

Much Love, Always,


Monday, February 24, 2020

The Journey Home: A Chance To Start Again

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

If this is the first post you are reading in the journey home series, I'm going to let you know that it is part three. You don't have to go back to read the other parts, but it might help you bring the whole story together. This is my journey through songs that I listened to at very specific times in my path.

And now we move on to the hope version of me. This was a few weeks into my journey. I knew that what I believed no longer served me. I questioned if what I held on to in my internal world even belonged to me. I was beginning to accept that I had moved through my life people-pleasing and conforming to who I thought I should be.

Then I had flashes to the sassy child version of me. The one who boldly answered that she didn't know what the fuck she wanted to do, but knew that she was going to be rich and live a beautiful life. Child me had visions of running a fashion brand or owning a chain of malls or youth centers in America. One thing was for sure, little Shar never had the dream of working for someone else. Even at age 7, I had a very low tolerance for bullshit and I knew that I never liked anyone telling me what do to or how my day would go. "You have to," was the most triggering shit you could say to me then.

But I fell into depression. I believed the stories that said either only the wealthy could be entrepreneurs, or that even if I worked for myself, it would be harder than I expected. Adult Shar with a full filter and deep spiritual connection can now smell bullshit. I can recognize that this was just a people projecting their own limiting beliefs onto me.

To bluntly quote a teenage me who didn't give a fuck, just because your life sucks doesn't mean that my life is going to suck. Because our beliefs create our realities. Our external worlds are reflections of our internal worlds. I refuse to give anyone else power over me by allowing them to plant their own shitty beliefs in my zone of power. Your girl is unapologetically unavailable for that. I also teach how to stand in your own zone of power and free yourself from the not you (people's shitty beliefs in your garden) in Connected. The doors are open.

So when I surrendered and the inner work really started to show me a new way of life, this song is what fueled my alignment. Glorious by Macklemore ft Skylar Grey

"I feel glorious, glorious, got a chance to start again. I was born for this, it's who I am I couldn't forget"

Yes, I know the line is actually how I could I forget. But I heard I couldn't forget and that is what resonated.

Because my life felt like it had fallen apart. So much of what I was afraid of came up to be healed. But it's at that moment that I realized this was a blessing. Because what those dark moments really challenged me to do is live for my damn self. It taught me what it meant to completely honor myself and live in purpose and alignment, not expectations. This wasn't my life falling apart. It wasn't me spitting on the years that came before this moment. This was the chance to start again. It was a chance to choose me.

And well, you know how the story goes. I chose me and still choose me always.

Shar on her way to a part-time job sat and thought about that really young version of her. The one who didn't believe other people who told her she couldn't do it. The one who dreamed of a beautiful life and freedom, and luxury and entrepreneurship. And quietly sang to herself, "it's who I am, how could I forget?

Sitting here, writing this post, I can't help but feel so fucking proud. Because if only I knew just how fucking good it would feel to live like me. If only I grasped the absolute magic of alignment and just how amazing life is when you love and support yourself. This is the embodiment of my highest power, something I teach all of my beautiful queens inside connected. If you're interested in joining us on the journey to your divine power and truth, the doors to connected are open until February 27th.

Much love, Always,


Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Journey Home: Tell Me You Love Me

Hello My Beautiful Queen,

Welcome to day two of the journey home. The place where I walk you through my journey and transformation via songs that I listened to at each phase of my spiritual path and reconnection with myself and source energy.

I started my journey because I was tired of being in pain, and I knew that I was the only one holding me back. I have always been sensitive to energy, and I recognized that the energy of my beliefs was poisoning me.

But I didn't know what to do about it. In many ways, the person that I was then was the only person I had ever known. The idea of radically shifting my beliefs and completely transforming my identity was scary. It felt like I was stabbing myself in the back, but I knew that I couldn't live my life the way I was because quite frankly, it fucking sucked

I recognize now that the way ego slowed my journey down was via confusion. The fog of okay, but what do I want then? I recognized that I had been living my life as a strange combination of the people I spent time with. I realized that who I was, was who I thought I should be. It wasn't me. It was a reflection of what I had been taught. But the thing is that I had no idea who the fuck I actually was. If everything I believed was false and didn't serve the life I wanted to create, then who was I?

That brings us to the next song in my journey. Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato. It's safe to say that when I felt the most lost and confused, my days were hella dark. I'm not going to tell you that it wasn't hard. I felt absolutely fucking worthless and like I was in a void.

But this was different than the ten years of depression I had come out of years before. It was a place where I was acutely aware of my emotions. The sadness, the anxiety, the shame, the judgment, the fear, the doubt, the crushing feelings of unworthiness. And the best and worst part was I knew that I was no longer even with myself. Bad because that was the time when I felt like I had no one supporting me, not even myself. Good because I knew that I was moving towards a different version of myself. One that believed she could create her reality and was working on connecting with abundance.

The version of me that I am now caused me many versions of myself. With each uplevel I went through in my life, I had to throw the knife in the back of the version of me who was already dead. Looking back at the days where I laid in bed wondering what the hell I was even doing, I would listen to Tell Me You Love Me. And I would sing at the top of my lungs

"Tell me you love me, I need someone on days like this I do" Because what your girl needed was her own fucking love. I needed to know that I supported myself and I needed to know that I didn't have to live my life like it was a punishment, not a blessing.

It took many years, but I finally learned that true magic comes when you learn how to love yourself unconditionally. When you know what it means to stand by your own side and move through your life like the whole fucking universe has your back. Like you are the universe and your life is filled with purpose and passion. The moment I decided that I was worthy no matter what my life looked like, no matter what phase I was in, no matter what my emotional state was, was the moment that everything changed.

Because I no longer had to look outside of myself for love and validation and worthiness. Because I knew that no matter what, I would always have my own unconditional love and support. This is what I teach in Connected. The doors close on February 27th, so if you are interested in the course, please make sure you get in before then.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Journey Home: For the First Time

Hello, My Beautiful Queen!

Okay, so I was talking to the gorgeous, Serenity Sister on Instagram about music and just how much we both love music. I'm the kind of person who is always listening to something and there are a handful of songs that really resonate with me and a certain part of my life. As I am launching Connected as a journey back home to yourself and your power, I wanted a fun way to document my journey home and what that has looked like for me. The way I want to do that is through music. So, I created a playlist of songs that have really meant something to me in my journey. I am going to tell you the one lyric that really resonates with me, and what that meant to me as I learned to give myself unconditional love.

If you are able to, I encourage you to listen to the songs as you read the corresponding blog posts. I've put them all in a playlist like we are back in the early 2000s. So, let's have some fun.

Of course, we have to start with For the First Time by the Script. This was a few weeks into what would be the hardest year of my life. I was broke, struggling to pay my bills, unemployed and just feeling so betrayed. I believed I had followed all of the right steps and I didn't understand how I could come to the point where I could have two degrees, five years of experience and no job to my name. This was also shortly after I realized that maybe I was meant for something else.

The line the resonated with me was this:

"Oh, these times are hard, and they're making us crazy, don't give up on me baby."

Because your girl was laid up in bed with a broken heart. I felt so completely abandoned and unworthy. I didn't even know what it meant to love myself. And I was angry at myself for betraying myself. For listening and following what I should have done as opposed to what it was that I really wanted. I invested over a hundred thousand dollars into education and all of a sudden I was realizing that I didn't want what I had been working towards for so long.

What was worse was that I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I had spent YEARS of my life people-pleasing and trying my best to figure out who I was supposed to be. I was struggling to pay my bills, I was struggling to eat. I was embarrassed and if I am being completely honest, I wanted to die. Once again I felt like my life was meaningless and just full of pain. I didn't have any light guiding me to where I wanted to go and I felt like I was just existing right outside of myself.

But then I found the world of personal development. I found people that were very open and honest about what their stories looked like and how they were able to succeed. It inspired me to start a blog and restart my Youtube channel. It's what lead me to just be curious and explore and try to figure it out.

And for the first time (ha, see what I did there), I gave myself permission to explore and go after what I found interesting, not what I thought would make me worthy or likable. And on the days when I felt like the weight of the entire universe was crushing me. On the days where the only thing carrying me forward was the hope for something better, that line comforted me

And to that version of myself, I would say, thank you for not giving up on me, baby.

But honestly, that feeling of disconnection and abandonment is what lead me to start my journey. I wanted to understand what it was like to create and live a life of true love, blessings, and joy. I was craving that feeling and so I sought out how to create it. It took a couple of years. I learned that it is always a process, but I also learned that the feeling of live and divine support I was craving had to come from me.

That the beautiful life I wanted to live had to come from me. And the way for me to do that was to learn to reconnect to myself, to free myself from the conditioning that said "this is just how it is" and to learn how to love and honor myself ALWAYS. That's what Connected is all about. Learning how to be present and fully connected with yourself so you can create from a space of love and not franticness. The doors to connected will close on February 27th.

Much Love, Always,


Friday, February 21, 2020

How I found My Deepest Limiting Belief

Good Morning My Beautiful Queen,

Okay, so I admit that I have been pouring so much love and attention to the other aspects of QLQ. From the QLQ Podcast to the QLQ Instagram, to the mindset and manifestation email community. We all have cycles, and I will admit I somewhat neglected the blog in favor of these other platforms. But your girl is back with the original QLQ.

If you don't know, I am currently in the middle of launch for my first ever course, Connected. Connected is truly the foundation of any manifestation/co-creation process you will ever undertake. Now connected is not a strategy based class for manifestation because, Queen, let me tell you that YOU are the secret to your manifestation magic. Connected is truly all about helping you learn how to fully be with yourself, how to step in and connect to your divine power and universal support and how to move through your life knowing nothing can throw you. Four beautiful weeks of inner work in an easy to follow, go at your own pace format all for 97 dollars. Here's the link for more information, babe.

Now, part of connected is learning how to be present so you can identify your limiting beliefs and rewrite them to better suit your desires. If you are not following me on the QLQ Instagram, then you will not know that your girl was having a hard time. I fell out of alignment as I moved through this next uplevel. I found myself living in a space of fear and general reluctance to do any inner work at all. What I really wanted to do was just check out, do nothing and maybe cry a little bit. So I gave myself permission to do just that until my intuition spoke up and gave me the guidance I needed to move through this space with grace, love, and ease---cough, cough, we also cover this in Connected.

The answer came in the form of episode 129 of the Manifestation Babe Podcast (overcome procrastination for good). I have never thought of myself as a perfectionist. It's not really my style as I just tend to follow the model of doing the thing and let yourself get better as you do it. But the way Sam Laura Brown explained it just made so much sense and no joke just made me cry as I realized how much pain I was allowing myself to carry around. Sam explains that perfectionism and growth or fixed mindset exist on a sliding scale. You might have a growth mindset in one area of your life, but a fixed mindset in another. And perfectionism is really just a survival tool to help you protect yourself from shame. Girl, go listen to the episode, so you can hear the full explanation.

What I realized was the resistance I encountered came from a deep need to not fail. It came from a feeling of shame and the need to prove myself as worthy because deep down I didn't feel like I was worthy. We don't always need to regress to childhood to do the inner work, but this started in childhood for me. Trigger warning.

When I was very young, I was sexually abused. This lead to a lot of painful things in my life and a lot of unintentional mishandling of trauma from the people I should have loved the most. Now your girl has healed this story. I've forgiven all the people and gave myself permission both to love others and to continue to heal. To recognize that everyone tried their best and so did I.

But as I journaled this morning, I realized that I never let go of the idea that this happened to me because I was a bad person. I never let go of the idea that other people hurt me because I just wasn't a good or worthwhile person. I consciously worked to combat this, but on the subconscious level, I constantly found ways to punish myself because that's what I thought my life was. One big punishment, even as I recognized that my life is a blessing and full of blessings. A mind is a complex place.

I realized that I punished myself every day. I punished my mental health by living in a cluttered and messy home. I punished my body by laying in bed all day and eating junk food which made me feel like crap, but I convinced myself it was a treat. I punished myself by allowing my worst fears to play on a loop and turn into anxiety. I punished myself by expecting the worst. I punished myself by not putting effort into the things I truly cared about. I punished myself by pushing any kind of romantic love away.

And I didn't even consciously realize this is what I was doing. The root of all of the resistance and tense energy I was feeling came from a deeply buried subconscious belief that said I deserve to be punished because I'm a bad person. Where did that come from? It came from that poor little girl who thought the world fucking hated her and so learned to live in hatred.

Like holy shit. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN CARRYING AROUND??? My response is to wrap that little girl in so much fucking love. To pour love into myself and remind myself that I don't need to hold onto this story anymore. That I can choose love and I have so much evidence around me to back up the belief that I am worthy of love because so is everyone. It's to recognize that I don't actually believe that I am a bad person and to give myself permission to let this go.

I just knew that I had to share this with you all because it was life-changing and mind-blowing to realize just how conditioned I was to punish myself, and I know that I am not alone in this.

I hope this message helps whomever this message was for.

Much Love, Always,


Thursday, February 6, 2020

My Very First Launch: Exploring the process of creation

Hello My beautiful Queens,

Happy Tuesday. Or at least it is Tuesday for me. I am very sure that it is Thursday for all of you. Today I want to talk to you about something very exciting in my life. This Friday is officially open cart for my first ever course, Connected, and I have to tell you that this journey has been very eye-opening.

At the close of 2019, I realized that my biggest regret was never publishing the course that I wanted to publish. If you have been in this space for a while, you will know that something I struggled with for a long time was calling QLQ a business. I had a lot of limiting beliefs around what it meant to be a business owner and a lot of insecurities that came up for me. They say that business is a spiritual game, and it is true. Because the business will expose all of your deepest beliefs and fears. It's like the universe saying, okay, we'll make this happen and I will help you become the person who has the level of success that you desire.

So, your girl got over her fears and limitations. She ultimately decided, fuck the fear, feel the fear and then do it anyway. I decided to just take action and to bring on a partner in all of my endeavors - the Universe. The universe has been my partner in everything that I do, but this was the first that I was truly tapping into my abundant connection with source. It's the first time that I invited that energy to channel through me. The request was simple. Channel through me what is needed the most.

Then your girl disconnected and just allowed the course to unfold. I had no idea what the course was about, I didn't know what problem it solved. I didn't even know who it was for. I just sat at my computer and allowed the messages to pour through. It was quite a strange process because I intuitively knew that this course would change the lives it was meant to change. That the people who were called to me and this course would have their entire realities shifted in ways they could have only dreamed of.

I wanted to shout it from the heavens, but the course was still being developed, and I was honestly in the backseat for all of it. I was in this strange position if I want to promote this course, but I don't even know what it's about you. Creating this course is an out of body experience for me, and I am allowing all of the pieces to fall together. Slowly but surely, the Universe revealed to me what the course was about and who it was for. There are some final pieces that are falling into place, but I know that I am ready. And I know the people for whom this course is for are also ready.

So, we approach the next boogey man. Selling is fucking scary! I found that so much of my childhood insecurities and fear of being unlikeable or not popular enough to do so. I harbored a limiting belief that said selling is all about charisma and likeability, and you don't have enough of that to sell anyone anything. Fear of rejection and feeling unworthy came up for me. Even as I worked on marketing and promotion in the background, this little voice still whispered. Yes, I have an inner mean girl too.

But I have been doing this work for a long time. Over a decade really. And I have learned how to sit with and honor my emotions without allowing them to overcome me. I have learned what it means to stand by my own side. And I know that I can trust my intuition and that regardless of how this launch goes, it is what I am meant to do. I love myself enough to go for it, to dare to have hope, to cut the strings to anything my feelings of worthiness are tied to and to surrender fully to the Universe.

Because at the end of the day, it isn't about me. The Universe has called me to do this because someone has asked. My only role is to be a channel for this message and allow the people to come in because they will know that this is part of their journey. This was my step one, and it is my honor to have it be step one for so many others.

I love you all so much. And I am excited to welcome you into this space. More information about the course will be coming to my amazing email community first. So, if you are not already part of my mindset and manifestation email community, you can join to be the first to know.

Doors to Connected are currently open. If this is a space you feel called to, please make sure you get in before the doors close on February 27th.

Much Love, Always,


Monday, February 3, 2020

So you quit your job

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Monday! Today is the first day that I work for myself and it is an absolutely beautiful day outside. I am going to be honest. I loved my job and the people that I worked with, but I also knew that it was time for me to close that chapter in my life. I reached the point where my energy felt so off going to work and it's because I was out of alignment with my truth and my purpose. So with voice shaking, I turned in my resignation.

Often people have the conversation about leaving the 9-5 as this freeing experience. For many it is. For me it is. But I also want to share with you about the grieving process. Because leaving my job also felt like a loss and I spent most of this past weekend just in a daze. It feels so crazy to dream about being able to work for myself and actually being in that position. So, your girl was sad that this chapter in her life had closed, and I want to say that is okay. Work is a huge part of so many people's lives and when you are transitioning to having complete and total freedom over your schedule, it can feel very strange.

Now I sit in bed on Monday morning, feeling the cool breeze on my skin and admiring my view, I feel at peace. I know the universe is abundantly supporting me and I know that I am standing by my own side. One of my greatest fears, when I decided to quit my job and run my business full-time, is that I would just lay in bed all day.

Childhood conditioning that said I was lazy had me convinced that with all of this time freedom, I would do nothing. That I would just lay in bed, eat and watch TV. That I would never leave my house and eventually I would fall into depression. If you are new here, then you should know that I had depression for 10 years of my life and it is the one place I am afraid to go back to. So I channeled the voice of my intuition and higher self. I knew that I worked for myself and I was always meant to work for myself. But what exactly did that look like?

Routine is what came up for me. For so long I had the forced routine of school and then a job. I roughly did the same thing every day. But all of a sudden, I had so much time freedom. It didn't matter what day it was and I was suddenly responsible for structuring my own day. And I want to share with you what has been working for me.

  1. I wake up whenever I feel like it, but never after 9. Waking up after 9 just makes me feel sluggish and brings up a lot of childhood conditioning.
  2. I meditate for a little under 10 minutes. Just space for me to get my thoughts together and aligned with how I want to feel
  3. I jot down somethings I would like to accomplish that day, but I don't go past 7. Only jot down the things you actually intend to do for the day and honor your own energy.
  4. Then I make space for my energy by releasing the need to accomplish everything right now and trusting that I will accomplish everything on my list and there is no need to force anything
  5. I do some journaling if that is what I feel called to do
  6. Then I sit down for breakfast and end breakfast with a nice hot cup of tea for grounding and reflection
  7. I get dressed! As much as your girl would like to lounge around in her pajamas all day, I know that subconsciously, staying in my pajamas is an invitation to stay in bed. On some days that is okay, but I want to make sure that I get into the routine of moving through my life and not just staying stagnant at home
  8. Finally, I do a card pull if I feel like my intuition is telling me something that I can't quite hear. The card I pull is just an intention for the day and aligns with the energy of the day
What's your favorite part of the day?

Much Love, Always,


Saturday, February 1, 2020

The REAL secret to manifesting

Now we have each other, hope it's always this way- Sunrise in the East Becky Hill

I actually love music so much. Those who know me in person, also know that I always have my headphones in, and am always listening to something. I asked myself how I could make this launch more fun for myself and the answer was music.

Music is truly one of the ways I connect to both my emotions and the joy of being alive. What I listen to means something to me, and I want to take you on the journey I've been on through song. The first is sunrise in the east, which is a song I discovered literally yesterday and I've been obsessed.

I can't describe the bliss of finding yourself. I can't describe what it feels like to know that you always have your own support. To build unconditional love for yourself then reach the point where you know it's truly unconditional. I guess the word I would use is invincible. Not in a reckless way. Just in the way you know that you really can build or overcome anything. In the way where you feel so divinely connected to the universe that you KNOW you are blessed. It's a feeling I hope every babe who comes through Quarter-Life Queens comes away with. Because my love, I've finally realized that tapping into your power is all about freeing yourself from conditioning and daring to love yourself fully!

You all know I fucking love manifestation. That shit is my jam. And there's so much information around how to manifest, but I've finally realized that the real secret to manifesting with ease is having a fucking incredible relationship with yourself. Love yourself enough to believe you both deserve and can have everything that you want. The manifestation of those desires then becomes a natural by-product of the beautiful relationship you have with yourself.

I find that so fucking mind-blowing because of course, I have manifested in the past, but when I shifted my attention to just loving myself and giving myself love, manifestation became so much easier and faster. Because there's no resistance. I know that my worth is not tied to my manifestation.

I know my worth isn't tied to money or experiences or other people or material things in my life. These are all beautiful things that enrich my life, but the level of love I have for myself does not depend on any of these things and does not diminish if I do not have that. And that radical shift in my mindset has finally given me permission to just want what I want and to be happy with existing.

The level of love I have for myself has brought me so much closer to the universe.. I know that the Universe is abundantly supporting me in all areas of my life because I am abundantly supporting myself in all areas of my life.

It is a peace and love so profound, that I am left in awe. So when Sunrise in the East came on, and the line "Now we've found each other, hope it's always this way", came on,  I was moved. Because I was reminded of just what it feels like to find yourself and stand by your own side.

It's such a beautiful feeling that I know it is my mission to help others reach this point. We have been conditioned to believe that reaching this point is unnatural or difficult, but it's the most natural feeling in the world and I'm committed to helping other people reach this point at any level.

So, if you read this and thought, I would really love to have that feeling,  I have an assignment for you for the next week.

Every single morning for the next week, I want you to ask yourself what is the love I need today? How can I show myself love today? Then I want you to go out and do it.

It sounds incredibly simple because it is. Things don't need to be complicated in order for them to work. In fact, complicated things often don't work. And because cultivating self-love can be a difficult thing, I am also offering you some free pathways to accountability and support.

You can join the QLQ Facebook community where I will be hanging out and offering love and support to all of the beautiful queens in that space


You can sign up for the QLQ manifestation and mindset newsletter where you will receive weekly mindset and manifestation tips from me as well as access to the FREE QLQ resource library and my email so you can reach out to me and keep me update on how this challenge works for you.

The real secret to manifesting? Having a rock-solid relationship with yourself. Pouring so much love in yourself that it overflows. Don't forget to share how this challenge goes for you!

Much Love, Always,

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