The journey to living life authentically


Friday, January 12, 2018

My Balancing Routine: How I manage overwhelming emotions

You know what sucks?

Feeling like your emotions are imbalanced but literally having no idea why. For instance, I sometimes find myself feeling extremely insecure or short-tempered. Anything will piss me off, and anything will make me cry. Ya'll know I'm all about self reflection and staying in touch with my emotions, but what's more annoying than checking in and realizing that everything is good, except for how your emotions are manifesting themselves?

So, what do I do to balance my emotions when they just want to run wild? I balance my energies. A note about myself that I haven't mentioned before is that I am a very spiritual (not religious person). I believe in energies, chakras, infinite power, you name it. So, if you hear this and go what a load of woo-woo crap, then this post is not for you. However, if you are also a spiritual queen, then I hope that this post about how I balance my emotions helps out.

There are really on three things that I do.

  1. Check in with my chakras to see if any of them are blocked, overactive or underactive. For example, If I'm feeling meek and scared to speak up, then my throat chakra is underactive. The easiest way to repair this for me is either Chakra allignment meditation, crystal healing or a combination of both. One of the most powerful feelings in the world is feeling your Chakra amplify and radiate energy through a stone. My favorite for throat is blue lace agate, for heart: rose quartz, for third-eye is clear quartz. A simple google search will yield many results for which stones do what. There are many stones for each chakra, so you just have to find the ones that works for you. 
  2. Meditate. Odds are that the feelings that are making you feel imbalanced are caused by some inner turmoil going on at the subconscious level. I don't feel like you need to be consciously aware of what it is, only how to let it go. Sit in silence and allow your mind to go blank. If you're like me and struggle to do that then a guided meditation will also work. 
  3. Throw myself into a hobby. Once I have done the above two, I just let my body and spirit take the time that it needs to heal. Continuously trying to get rid of the negative feelings or uncomfortable loss of control is like picking at a wound. Sometimes, you just need to keep going and focus on what you love instead. Your emotional state will balance. 
  4. Bonus! Sometimes I start feeling crazy if I still can't balance my emotions. That's when I'll check my horoscope to see if something is up with the stars and the universe and stuff. Everything has energy and sometimes it's not your own energy that is changing your mood. I'm not sure if I one hundred percent believe in horoscopes, but it always makes me feel better if there's an explanation for my mood that has nothing to do with me.  
That's it! That's everything that I do when I feel like my emotions are out of whack and threatening to overwhelm me. I'm not sure if it's totally normal to sometimes feel like your emotions are out of whack, but hey I'm all about being open, honest and vulnerable.

Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you in my next post. 

All of my love,


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Are you Self-Sabotaging?

Hello my loves,

If you read this and say to yourself this is me, then this blog post is for you.

Have a great idea and doing everything but trying to turn that idea into reality?
Watching and listening to endless podcasts and videos to "prepare" yourself?
Just waiting for inspiration or motivation?
Stuck in the plan building phase?

I'm definitely not perfect, and I am prone to lying to myself as much as the next person. For me, one of the biggest forms of self-sabotage comes in the form of procrastination that's disguised as work. What the heck does that mean? Well, if I have something that I know I should be doing, I do "research" on the topic for so long that I never even get around to doing it. Here's just one example. If I say need to apply to a job, I will endlessly look for jobs to apply to without actually applying. As I focus on centering myself and building my empire in the new year, I have recognized that I am engaging in some counter-productive behavior.

These are all things that I am doing, and I have just come to the realization that I am self-sabotaging:

  1. Trying to work on too many ideas at once
  2. Staying at the drawing board coming up with better ways to do it instead of just doing it
  3. Participating in negative self-talk (I'm not worthy of success, success will change me, I'm a fraud and whatever other bullshit I tell myself.
  4. Planning and executing
  5. Researching and building motivation so I'll be ready to do it
  6. Treating my body like shit
  7. Ignoring or refusing to see all of the resources around me

So, why do we self-sabotage? The biggest reason that I find is fear. I am at times absolutely terrified of being successful because being successful means being visible. I am so afraid, that I convince myself that I am content with what I have or that I don't actually want what my heart calls for. Or, I'll say yeah, I'll do this later. One of my favorite sayings is that if you think you have forever to do something, it will take forever. The scary thing is that you can procrastinate and not even know that you're doing it.

Are you self-sabotaging? Do you find yourself doing any of the things I mention in this post? If so, I ask that you put yourself on trial and get real honest. What feeling, limiting belief or hang up is causing you to stop your success right in its tracks? This week, aim for clarity.

I hope that you enjoyed this post! Thank you for reading, and I will see you all in my next post.

All my love,

Friday, January 5, 2018

The first 10 things I did in 2018: My Blueprint for success

Hi everyone,

First, congratulations on making it through the first week of 2018! It is already an amazing year, and I can't wait to see what incredible blessings are coming our way. Second, thank you for coming with me on this journey. I know it's been a couple of days since I posted and that's because I wanted to give this post a lot of serious thought. I'm always one hundred percent authentic with you and part of that is giving you my unfiltered thoughts. This time, I want to provide you with details of exactly what I did/listened to in case any of you are interested in finding out a bit more about my sources of inspiration. Without further ado, here are the first ten things I did in 2018 to set myself up for success. 
  1. Meditated and did Yoga: I did this so that I could align my spiritual energy and get clear on my future and how I wanted the year to go. I also did this so that I could start the year off on a note of peace. YouTube- Guided meditation for sleep, Positive Miracles (Jason Stephenson); Hypnosis for clearing subconscious negativity (Michael Sealey); Yoga for new beginnings (Yoga with Adriene)
  2. Signed up for an online course: There are a lot of things that I want to start in 2018 and I didn't go to school to learn them. I am blessed enough to work at a college that gives me access to all of the materials I need to start my business. has tons of courses and that's where I signed up for mine. 
  3. Researched as much as I could about starting a business. I've been waiting and waiting to start my business. I wanted to make sure that I had a big enough audience or that I had enough money. Essentially I was waiting to have everything in place that would "protect" me from failure. I wanted to know it all before I did, but the truth is that no one knows it all and there is no such thing as protection from failure. So, I'm jumping in. 
  4. Got clear on my goals: I have a vision for how I want the year to go and I need to know what I need to do to make that happen. Getting clear also provides me with the motivation to keep going. 
  5. Decluttered my digital life: I need to be able to know what's important and spam and messages about sales is not it. 
  6. Shifted my mindset: No more negativity in this year. My problems are not the end of the world, and if I focus on fixing problems and not actualizing goals then I will spend my entire life putting out fires. Ironically enough it's my goals that will ultimately fix many of my problems so I'm going to focus on those instead. I found this quote and I absolutely loved it. Whenever I find myself about to get caught up in negativity I say this to myself. This includes having no time to criticize yourself. 
  7. Listened to the following podcasts: Rich Bitch with Angie Lee; Style Your Mind; How to be Awesome at your job; Don't keep your day job; Creative Biz Rebellion; All up in your Lady Business; Being Boss. Because the sorting system in the Itunes podcasts app sucks, I can't view my history, so I can't tell you exactly the episodes I listened to. However, all of the episodes were from these shows which I subscribe to and absolutely love. 
  8. Watched the following TED talks: Programming your mind for Success Carrie Green, Why 30 is not the new 20 Meg Jay, How to Stop Screwing yourself over Mel Robbins. 
  9. Increased my online presence: I am absolutely terrified of being visible, but one hard truth is that being successful means being visible. Being a queen requires a public presence. If I have something to say, I say it and if someone asks for help online I try my best to help them. I want to be a source of light and inspiration in this world, and I can't do that by hiding. 
  10. Began tackling the things I ignored in 2017: I'm not going to keep carrying baggage with me. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away and giving my entire energy to figuring out how to solve it doesn't serve my purpose. So I gave my problems thirty minutes of my time, put plans in place to fix them and let them go. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

My New Years Resolutions: Setting myself up for success in 2018

Hi my loves and welcome to 2018!

I want to start off the new year by telling you a bit about how I set my resolutions this year and letting you know what they are. Lol this is also the blog post where you get to see a bit more of my anal side.

Resolutions have always been very important to me. Regardless of whether or not I accomplish them, I love starting the year off with clear intentions. I've always just set resolutions based on what I want, but this year I've decided to be a bit more strategic and give my resolutions some more thought. Why do I want the things that I do and how will those resolutions serve me? As part of my plan to start the year off right, I've been listening to some podcasts and ted talks and guided visualizations. One of my favorite podcasts is Style your Mind and Cara asked some very important questions that helped me think about my resolutions.

Every single resolution that I have set started from thinking about the way that I want to feel in 2018 and then thinking about actions I can take to make sure that I feel that way. I break all of my resolutions down into plans with step by step instructions for myself. This is so that one, I can know for sure that I've made progress towards by goal and two, so that I never forget why I set the goal in the first place.

Ultimately, this year I want to feel confident and powerful. 2018 is the year of so many successes, and I want to make sure that my energy matches the energy of my blessings. Without further ado, these are just some of my goals for 2018.

  1. Read one self-help book a week. One bad habit that I have is thinking that if I read a self-help book and need to keep reading them then I have somehow failed. That mindset is not coming with me this year. I want constant motivation. This also includes listening to one Ted talk a week and mediating three nights a week. 
  2. Create a pamper routine. In all of the stress of 2017 I definitely neglected taking care of myself which of course just made things even more stressful. In 2018 I will dedicate time to taking care of myself. 
  3. Create an empowering morning routine. I'm not naturally a morning person, but I work a 9-5 and I want to make sure that I start off every day right. I also have an entire morning routine written out, but I won't bore you with the details. 
  4. Go to two social events a month. My finances were not in order at the end of 2017 and I was depressed and angry. This didn't exactly make for wanting to hang out with people and that left me feeling lonely and isolated. This year I will create dedicated time to connecting with others. 
Those are my four biggest resolutions this year! Of course, I have smaller ones as well, but you get the point. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. If you haven't made resolutions yet, I hope that this post helps you or that it inspires you in any way. As always, thank you so much for reading. I'll see you in my next post. 
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