The journey to living life authentically


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

5 Signs You Are Having a Spiritual Awakening

Hello, My Beautiful Queen!

Happy Tuesday! I hope you are all doing okay and giving yourself the love you need. Before we jump into today's post, I want to take a moment to let you know that the most amazing episode of the QLQ podcast just went live this morning! I am interviewing the lovely, Meg Garcia Jarman and we talk all things spirituality, personal growth and how to do it. This episode is pure MAGIC. I'd love for you to check it out and let me know what resonated the most with you.

Now, I want to talk to you about awakening. The next edition of the QLQ magazine will be releasing shortly, and this quarter's theme is renewal. Fitting for spring. So many of us are feeling the call, and are recognizing that the call is an incredibly uncomfortable feeling. I am reading Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell and I want to share an excerpt from the book with you, as it will speak to that uncomfortable feeling you might be sitting with.

"Often the path that is yours to walk is the exact one that you do not feel prepared to walk. Walk it anyway...Often what is ours to do feels more like a challenge than a choice. Choose it anyway."

You know that scene in Moana where she's singing I am Moana, and says "and the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me?" That's you right now. You are being called to something greater. You are being asked to rise into your truth. And that is what inspired this post. Because the call can be hella confusing and painful. It can feel like dense fog or like you just fell through the ground. I want to provide you with an alternative perspective. So without further ado, here are five signs that you are being called to a greater purpose

1. The things that you used to be able to just get through now suddenly seem unbearable. This might be in the form of a job, friendships or relationships. Anything that is not in alignment with your purpose will feel very uncomfortable to you right now. It may even fill you with deep anger, sadness or longing for something different. The very thought of continuing to work in a soul-sucking job makes you want to throw up. You fantasize about the kind of life where your time truly belongs to you.

2. You are in a fog of confusion. You may be just sitting with the feeling that something is not right. Questioning why the f you've been living life the way you have, or why so many people follow such similar paths. Part of you is torn between running away and just accepting the way people say things should be. You're not quite sure what you want, but you know this isn't it. And that is deeply frustrating to you because where the fuck do you go from here?

3. You feel like you don't know yourself anymore. Everything you've ever tied your sense of worthiness or confidence to has fallen away and all you have left is the realization that maybe you don't know yourself as well as you thought you did. This is your renewal. It is the Universe asking you to reinvent yourself as you truly are, not as you have been trained to be.

4. You have an insatiable thirst for personal development. You understand that your mindset creates your reality and you're determined to have the mindset of success and wealth. You are frantically consuming content and desperate to remove everything inside of you that is "blocking" your ability to succeed. It feels like you might drown if you don't keep swimming to the shore and personal development is your lighthouse.

5. You feel incredibly alone. Nothing has really changed, but you just feel like you're missing something. You're questioning your purpose and questioning if anyone can actually see you. Even more so, you have a soul calling to connect with something higher. Whether that be God, the Universe, source, whatever you want to call it. You're tired of feeling like you're just floating through life and want a grounding connection. You want to know once and for all that you are fully supported but are confused about how to find it.

There's no doubt about it. The call is confusing and turbulent. Because it is ultimately a call to rework your entire life and maybe even your identity. It is a great shifting, and that can be incredibly uncomfortable. So if you are sitting there questioning why you feel this way, then I hope this brought you some clarity.

And more than anything, I encourage you to receive support where you need it. Whether that be from a coach, a book, a therapist, a course. Whatever it is that you feel called towards. Allow the Universe to guide you there. And if you are longing for the support of an affordable coach, then I wish to let you know that my Awaken Mentorship is open. This is my one-on-one coaching container. I am currently accepting two more clients. You can book your free discovery call to find out if this is the right fit for you here.

Much Love, Always,


Saturday, March 28, 2020

What Are You Being Called To?

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

You know. I didn't just wake up one day and go "Gee, I think I can create my own reality. That car, the beach house in San Diego, the real estate empire. All mine."

Like Nah, girl. I had a shit ton of limiting beliefs and it wasn't like I was just suddenly free of them one day. No, the real story is that the Universe bitch slapped me right back into my purpose in 2017. The universe provided me with the opportunity for divine healing by showing me everything that I believed which was not serving my highest purpose. From the belief that I was lazy to the belief that the freedom life just wasn't realistic, all the way down to the belief that money had to be spent before it was taken.

Anything and everything came up. And when the Universe takes away everything you tie your sense of worthiness to, what do you have left? All you have left is you. And it's you in all of your broken glory--you're not broken, you just feel broken. And maybe you're left with the startling realization that you never really knew yourself at all.

That you lived your life as a performance. What was most impressive? What would earn me love? What would make me feel more worthy? Who did I have to be to earn the love, acceptance, and respect of my peers? But never, what do I really want? Does this align with me?

Don't have time to finish this post? Pin it for later

Because the truth is, a lot of the big dreams that we hold for ourselves get shoved into the recesses of our minds because some part of us believes that pursuing them will take away our ability to be loved. That it is too far from the status quo, and so we will be exiled if we pursue them.

I lived my life that way until the Universe bitch slapped me. Took away everything and left me with only a mirror. I had to look at myself because this was my divine intervention.
Irl clip of the Universe slapping me into my purpose

The urgent notice that the life I was creating did not belong to me. I was not born to follow the status quo. And if you are reading this post, then neither were you. You know that you have a greater purpose; a better life to lead.

As we move into the Aquarian age, more and more people are suddenly (and painfully) finding that the old ways of being are simply not working. That the things they used to be able to just do suddenly feel like the most excruciatingly frustrating things in the world. Many of us are awakening to the truth. Your life is your own and regardless of what society or your conditioning says, only you can decide how you choose to live it. And there are no limitations to what is possible for you to create. The universe reminds you of that every single day.

But the awakening process isn't easy. Facing your shadow (the parts of yourself that you repress because you believe they are bad and unworthy of love) is scary and confusing work. Because you have to distinguish between what is yours and what is not yours. You have to decode that information then figure out what you want to do with it and how to change it.

                                                             "She was so committed
                                                                   To what was
                                                                   Rising in Her.
                                                               That a part of Her
                                                                And was Reborn

A poem from Rebecca Campbell's book, Rise Sister Rise

Girl, I did this for years, and let me tell you that something I found was that there was always a deeper story. That behind every single limiting belief is another limiting belief. That doing the inner work is a constant removal of every single part of you that does not belong to you. I want you to know that it's okay if your first instinct is to try and do it all on your own. We have been trained to give help, but not receive it. To quote Brene Brown here, "You can stay armored up and give help, but you cannot stay armored and receive."

In many ways, this was my struggle and the struggle of so many women I work with. This idea that doing it ourselves makes us better and stronger. That asking for help makes us weak. And so many women carry around millennia of shame within them. It is so much easier to do it ourselves and stay guarded than it is to allow other people to see that we cannot do it all ourselves. This is your survival instinct, and it's okay that you have it. But it was only when I opened myself up to receiving from others via my coaches and the courses I enrolled in, and the support from my community, my friends and my family that I truly began to see the shifts in my life.

That I was truly able to find the love, connection, and certainty that I longed for. Because if you are closed up to receiving from others, then you are also closed up to receiving from the Universe. And you, my queen, are here because you are ready to create the reality you desire. You are ready to answer the call.

Every behavior or habit you picked up as a survival mechanism will fall away because it is time for you to thrive. For the greatest, highest good of the entire planet. I have said this before, and I will say it again. Your dream exists within you for a reason. Never doubt that you fulfilling that dream is the answer to someone else's prayers.

And I want you to know, you can walk those first few steps alone if you want to. Give yourself what you need and sometime's we're just not ready to open ourselves up, and that is okay. But you will hit a point where you find that doing it alone is just too painful. That you cannot see your own blind spots and more than anything, you want someone who can see you. Someone who can guide you back to where you want to me. Someone who can help you identify where you need to heal and how you are creating resistance in your life. And more importantly, someone who can give you some guidance on what you can do about it.

If this is where you are right now, the Awaken mentorship is currently open. This is my one-on-one coaching container where you and I work together over a set period of time to bring you back into your truth, purpose, and power. Together we will work to identify your limiting beliefs, your subconscious blocks, and your higher calling. You can learn more about the Awaken mentorship down below.

Much Love, Always,


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Reconnecting with Your Intuitive Power

Hello, My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Tuesday! I am currently waiting for a video to export, and while I wait, I figured I would jump on here and just chat with you all.

If you are not following me on my Instagram (, then you will have missed the announcement of the return of Shar's selfish time. Long time readers will know exactly what this is. If you are new, all of Shar's selfish time posts are tagged, so I encourage you to check them out. But I am currently on my period and hella emotional. In today's episode of the QLQ podcast (episode 20), I talk all about comparison and what a shitty space it is to be in. That is still on my mind, but I digress.

This morning I was thinking about my intuition, and just how much my intuition guides me in my life and my path. But I was also thinking about how hard it is for some people to tap into their intuition. How difficult it is for them to hear the voice of their intuition and to distinguish between intuition and fear. Now, don't get me wrong. I struggled with this too for a long time. Until I realized that the only reason I thought it was so hard for me to trust my intuition is that I didn't trust myself. I didn't believe I could support myself or make the right decision for myself. If you know me, then you know that I believe this kind of thinking is conditioned within us. We are taught to believe that everyone is the expert, but not us. That there is someone outside of us who always knows what to do and we should listen to their guidance over our own.

Now, that doesn't mean don't take advice. It doesn't mean you should never listen to anyone but yourself. But it does mean that you should never listen to anyone above yourself. Always check in with how you feel and if that makes sense for you, and if that is taking you further away from or closer to where you want to be. Again, I digress.

What I want to clarify here is that I lead an intuition led life. But I am not special. My intuition is not some kind of superpower. We all have intuition and your intuition is always speaking to you! Always. Because news flash babe, your intuition speaks to you via your feelings and your thoughts. And you are always thinking or feeling something. The deciding factor here is, do you trust your thoughts?

Do you know which thoughts to listen to? Do you know what the voice of your intuition sounds like? The answer is yes, but you have forgotten. You second guess your thoughts because you don't remember what your intuition sounds like. You don't remember what kinds of things she says. Let me just say that having a strong relationship with your intuition and knowing yourself well enough to distinguish between your thoughts is a journey. But it also is one of the keys to unlocking your confidence, your sense of self and your desire and ability to create with intention and stick with it.

The good news is that starting the process of connecting with your intuition is easy. Start with the small things. Ask yourself what do I want to eat? Where do I want to go? What do I feel like doing right now? And listen to a voice that comes up. It is your intuition. And the more familiar you get with that voice, the more attuned to it you will become and the easier it will be for you to hear it for the big things.

But if you have been trying to this and are really struggling--maybe you really can't hear the voice of your intuition, or maybe fear is louder than that voice right now. Then the Awaken mentorship might be for you. This is my one-on-one coaching container where you and I work together to help you identify your limiting beliefs and fully reconnect with yourself so you can go out there and create the kind of life you want to live. I currently have two more spots open, so if you are curious about this, you can learn more about the Awaken mentorship, and book your free discovery call here. Because I believe in being upfront, the cost of working with me for a month in Awaken mentorship is 900 dollars.

Much love, Always,


Friday, March 20, 2020

7 Beautiful Things Inner Work Has Given Back to Me

Good Morning My Beautiful Queens,

I hope you are all doing well and giving yourselves the love and the care you need without shame today. I am personally working from my bed as I woke up this morning just feeling very grateful and very aligned with my message and my purpose. As I opened the curtain and admired the view on this lovely morning, I was reminded of just how far I have come. And my heart was filled with overwhelming gratitude that I can be here, experiencing this moment.

So I want to write this post for two reasons. One, in celebration of the fact that I am here. A thank you to the Universe of sorts. And two, to inspire hope in any other queen also on the journey. Remember, if the Universe shows you something that you want in someone else, it is to remind you that this too is possible for you.

Here are the seven things that inner work has given back to me

  1. The ability to appreciate and fully lean into the love of a beautiful day. Yes, I am now one of those people who wakes up in the morning, smiles and throws the curtains open.
  2. Fantastic Moods. I remember a point in my journey where I thought I had to be happy to manifest--a myth I bust in my free mindset and manifestation community. Once I discovered the truth, I was just able to be myself and lean into the work with love. As a result, I genuinely feel love and happiness as my emotional homes. These are the states that I naturally exist in.
  3. Acceptance of myself. This was a big one as for a long time I thought I was a bad person, and that I wasn't worthy of love. Doing the inner work has taught me what it means to love yourself fully and what it means to stand by your own side. Doing the inner work has truly taught me and continues to teach me what it means to love both my shadows and my inner light
  4. Emotional integration. For me, this has meant the world. Because more than anything, inner work has taught me that I have no reason to fear any of my emotions. That no emotion is negative and that rejection of emotion is a rejection of self. This means that I can sit with myself and love my self fully no matter what emotional state I am in. That doesn't mean that it is easy to do, but it has brought me a lot of self-love
  5. Confidence. I always resented that people thought I was shy. I resented even more that I let insecurity convince me that I was shy. Now I lean into the parts of me that like to shine. I can go to parties, conferences, events or any social setting and be okay with talking to just about anyone--most of the time. That is huge for me and I am grateful for this every day
  6. Reconnection to the Universe. This was not something that an older version of me thought she would have wanted. But in those moments where everything felt dark and scary, I longed for more than anything some divine support. And I found it in the universe which showers me in love and alignment every day. Which has allowed me to fully claim my connection with the Universe via my intuition. This kind of relationship goes beyond words and all I can say is that I am abundantly grateful
  7. Hope. Hope is a funny thing as so many of us are afraid to hope. We are often trained to expect the worst and hope for the best. But if you are expecting the worst, then you are not really hoping for the best. Inner work has taught me what it means to hope again and through that hope, I learned to give myself permission to want what I want. Because I dare to believe I can have it.

We are often taught that success lies outside of ourselves. To mark our success by our ability to hit milestones. Even more so, we are never encouraged to define what success means to us. To allow our internal success to be meaningful. So today and every day, I celebrate the internal success.

Doing the inner work has brought so much into my life. It has completely shifted my reality and brought me more love and connection than I could even fathom. The best part is that I know without a shadow of a doubt that the best is always yet to come. Many of us are at home at this time. If you are reading this post, you may be craving inner work. Perhaps your soul is calling you to go within and to lean into connection with yourself.

If this is you, I welcome you to the Quarter-life Queens Free Resource Library. This is simply a collection of free personal development resources to help you begin the process of connecting back into yourself and into your truth. In the library you will find everything from workbooks to help you connect with your higher self, to transformation journal prompts, to a list of all of the books, movies, courses, and resources that can completely transform both your life and your mindset. It is completely free and available to you now. All I get from this is gratitude that someone is getting value from the free content I pour my heart and soul into. And a deep love that yet another soul has chosen themselves in this way

If you do use any of the resources in the QLQ library, make sure to tag me on instagram (, or shoot me an email at I'd love to hear from you and celebrate you. 

Much Love, Always,


Monday, March 16, 2020

How to Create a Vision Board

Hello, My Beautiful Queen.

Happy Monday! I hope you are all having an amazing weekend and are giving yourself the love that you need. I personally spent this weekend having a bit of a spiritual retreat. I spent 12 hours on Saturday just giving myself love and coming back into alignment. Sunday was all about knowledge, surrender, and alignment. And overall, I just had a damn good time as I leaned more into the yearning for guidance.

Something that I also felt called to do this weekend was updating my vision board! If you don't know, I use vision boards as my screensavers because if there is anything I look at the most, it is my computer and my phone. The reason why I use vision boards in this way is that I think vision boards work best in a place where you can see them often. One so they can inspire you. And two so your subconscious mind can get used to the visions and the feelings they invoke. So they can be normal for you and therefore natural in their manifestation.

As I was creating my vision board yesterday, I realized that the way I vision board today is very different than when I first started. When I first started, I used my vision board as a wish list of sorts. I would think of the things that I wanted and I would just put them on my board with the intention for them to manifest, and then I would kind of forget about them. Yes, I saw them every day, but subconsciously I don't think I believed they would ever happen.

What was "wrong" with my first vision boards is two things. One a lot of the things I put on there were just things I thought would be impressive or would make me feel more worthy. It was less about I really want this, and more about I want to flex to show others that I am worthy of love, approval, and respect. Phew, thank goodness your girl has worked through this story and now finds worthiness within herself. With that sense of internal worthiness and self-love, I was able to slowly uncover what I truly wanted. AND I was able to give myself permission to just want those things. No explanation needed.

How do I vision board now? I think about how I want to feel. I trust the images that come to me in my mind first. I focus on the experiences I want to have, not the things I want to have. Note, that I am a life path 8, and a Libra. Your girl likes things and materialistic possessions. There's nothing wrong with wanting and enjoying having material things. You are in the 3d human realm for a reason. With that said, I have just reached a point where I am so fully connected to myself and the universe that I rarely question if I will get something. I know that the desire for this thing exists within me for a reason, and that if it is truly meant for me, then the Universe will deliver it to me. That's it.

So instead, I focus on the experiences I would like to have and how I want to feel. I repeat this because it's crucial. When your vision board, get really clear not on what you want necessarily, but how that thing makes you feel. I also think about the things I am working on, and how I want to feel once I have "mastered" it. Ground into that feeling and intention. Allow it to flow through you and rest in the knowledge that this thing already exists. Then from that space create your board. Find the images that speak to your soul. Find the images that light you up and snap you back into the feelings you are calling in.

I also do yearly vision boards. So every year I set an intention for how I want to feel at the end of the year. Then I think about what made the year so great. What did I do? What did I experience? How did I feel? I use that to create my vision board. And every day when I look at my board, I get inspired and reminded to take inspired action towards these things every day. Inspired action for me is moving in love.

If you're wondering what software I use to create my boards, I use Canva. I hope you found this helpful and would love to see your boards. Remember, there is no wrong way to do a vision board. Do what feels good to you and be flexible with your vision. It will shift as you get more pieces of the puzzle and that is completely okay.

PS Babe, the Reprogram Your life Bundle is officially available! This is a guided meditation bundle designed to help you reach a place of emotional alignment and self-love. Plus a subliminal message recording to help bring your subconscious mind on board with your conscious intention. The link for more information is down below ðŸ˜‰

Reprogram Your Life Bundle

Much Love, Always,


Sunday, March 1, 2020

How To Use Oracle Cards to Connect with Your Subconscious

Hello My Beautiful Queen,

Happy Sunday! Your girl wrapped up her launch on Thursday and gave myself permission to take the entire weekend off. I also realized that this month I am trialing the idea of having my work week start on Sunday and end on Thursday. Just testing how my energy likes that. If you are following me on my Instagram, then you would have seen that on Friday I did an 11 card spread to help me hear the messages of my intuition.

I say awareness is always the first step, but there are layers of awareness. Some of those layers are revealed with time, others through deep inner work, and still some are just outside of your conscious awareness. This is where I like to call on my intuition as an extension of my higher self to guide me. While I lead an intuition lead life and always feel called to her some way or another there are just some things I can't see. This is where oracle cards can really help.

You know what I mean. Those moments where something feels off and you don't know what. Or maybe the times where you're not getting what you want or feel some kind of resistance in your creation process, but have no idea what beliefs are in your way. Or maybe you're just craving deep, inner healing but don't know what questions you should be asking yourself. It is whenever I am in those spaces that I like to use my oracle cards to guide me.

I am by no means an oracle card expert. In fact, I rely on my intuition and higher self to guide me in their use. But for me, oracle cards allow me to hear the wisdom of my intuition and higher self. I think of them simply as messengers or tools to help pull messages into a format I can easily understand. One of my favorite ways to use oracle cards is healing and growth. Meaning I use them to help me better understand what it is that I need to heal and how I can go about doing that. Unsurprisingly, intuition provides the best, most transformative questions.

I've experienced a lot of growth and transformation through this method, and I want to explain my process. So, here's how I use oracle cards to unlock subconscious truths. I use the Work Your Light deck, as I think it is a beautiful deck and very beginner-friendly. Please use whatever deck you feel called to.

1. The ask. I don't always have a super clear question that I want to ask. Especially if am using the cards to help bring clarity. Instead, I simply set the intention and the call to be guided. I make it clear what my intention is and connect to the power of my higher self. Usually, I will say something along the lines of guide me to whatever it is I most need to know. Or show me the message that is meant for me. And to be honest, sometimes my higher self speaks to me before I even start the card pull. I could just be laying in bed, and suddenly the thought will come to me, "Sharlene, I have a message for you. Do a card pull."

2. The nudge. There are many kinds of spreads you can do depending on your intention or the question you have. I just sit in silence and trust the first spread that comes to me. Now, I am both clairvoyant and claircognizant, which means the cards appear as a visual in my mind quickly followed by a knowing that this is the right deck. We are all clairsomething, so trust whatever comes to you. You will be pulled, so trust that gut instinct as the voice of your intuition and higher-self offering their guidance. Oracle cards also come with a guidebook that usually includes some kind of instruction on the kind of spreads you can do

3. The pull. I just pull the cards that I feel called to. I do this in a combination of both my gut instinct and with my "seeing" as often the cards that hold the channeled messages kind of glow. Not literally, of course, they just appear much more vibrant in comparison to the other cards.

4. The message. I've personally found that every card pull I do for myself is different. Which makes complete sense because I don't always need the same message and I am not always in the same vibration. Every single time I do a card pull, I have a different conscious and subconscious intention, even if I am asking the same question or inputting the same request. Sometimes I receive instructions on what I should do next. Sometimes it simply some guidance on how I can ground and come back to center. And sometimes it's a reveal of what is going on within me, but outside of my conscious awareness. I've received everything from what I am holding on to from a past life, to what kind of help I should seek out, to what meditation to do, to which one of my chakras need healing, to information about an area of my life I am neglecting that now needs my attention. Trust what comes through for you. I usually read what the message of the card is and jot down whatever my first interpretation of the card is, as well as any questions I have. When I am doing a card pull, my energy is channeled and tuned in completely to my higher self and intuition, so I know that the first messages that come through are the right ones. Give yourself the same trust and even if only for a moment, release the conditioning that says you don't know.

5. Connecting the dots. Depending on which spread I have done, I usually will have pages of notes. Especially if I am doing a pull to unlock subconscious information. I take a moment to breathe deeply and then doodle or draw any connections that I see in my mind's eye. If I am doing a very in-depth pull, like an eleven card spread for example, then I will draw the visual of it in my journal and draw any arrows between cards that are specially linked together. I will also star any cards that stir up a different kind of energy within me or fill me with tension, as that is usually what I need to work on the most. This doesn't happen every time, but I trust whatever comes through. Remember, it's your subconscious, it is your intuition and your higher self. Trust what comes through for YOU.

6. Action. Then I close the channel and just read through everything I wrote. I often find that there are questions written down, or things that stir up energy within me or even prompts on what to do next. On my most recent pull, I received guidance to do some past life healing and look into the Akashic records. If you follow this process using your own energy and divine guidance, you will also have some notes or questions that you can use to unlock subconscious healing, limiting beliefs, patterns of behavior or simply guided messages. Your action simply involves you doing whatever you feel called to do. Whether that be journaling, meditating, going for a walk, chanting, yoga or simply rest or play. Just follow what you are being called to. And if you are left with a series of questions from your pull, then answer those questions as you feel guided in whatever format feels best to you.

And that is how I use oracle cards to unlock subconscious truth and connect with my higher self. This is a process that works very well for me if am feeling tense, stuck, lost in a fog, disconnected or in general just confused. Trust your intuition, trust your guidance and don't be afraid to take what works and leave what doesn't.

PS, Queen. If you are new here and you love this post, then I also encourage you to join the free mindset and manifestation newsletter. I send you weekly tips, tricks, and information on how you can create your own reality, and align with the absolute best version of yourself.

And if you are craving a deeper connection with yourself, or aren't sure how to connect with your intuition, I suggest you start with our free Align With Your Best Self workbook that will help you gain more clarity and connection.

Much Love, Always,


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